Make Sure Your Pipe Rehablitation Is The Right Fit with MSI Technology

Pipeline Rehablitation Collision Analysis Data Data

Determining whether your rehabilitation slip liner will seamlessly integrate into your existing pipe can pose a significant challenge, particularly when your pipes have never undergone prior inspection. Factors such as bends, uncertain wall thickness, and the potential for other unexpected issues can completely disrupt the intended slip liner size and shape, resulting in potentially costly corrective measures for the city.

SewerVUE understand the critical importance of getting this right the first time, as budget overruns and project delays can have far-reaching implications. Mitigate those risks by performing a collsion analysis before planning any rehablition efforts.

A standard virtual mandrel is a test that determines whether the interior of a pipeline has features that intersect into a continuous sweep of a two-dimensional shape along the pipeline’s length. In consultation with the client, model profile segments are determined. These segments typically have a fixed length and cross-sectional profile. Making use of a generated point-cloud, SewerVUE Technology Corp. places a series of straight-line segments of predetermined length at several different starting points along the center of the pipe.

A predetermined profile is continuously swept through these segments with consideration to the geometry of the pipe. LiDAR points inside the profile of this swept shape are classified as key-points of concern. The 3D object is then projected onto a vertical 2D space as an image with the key-points colored in a high-contrast heatmap using GIS software. These images are assembled alongside video and 3D perspective screenshots at areas of interest

Sample Reporting

Relative Altitude Data

SewerVUE Technology

SewerVUE can tackle big jobs in some of the toughest places on Earth, and get actionable data quickly. Our methods are both accurate and cost-effective. By using remotely operated vehicles to gather data, these methods also eliminate the hazards of man entry surveying methods.

To discuss how SewerVUE can meet your specific needs, contact us today!

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